Wrinkle reduction

Do you have some pesky wrinkles you want to soften or erase? We can help! Our clinic provides consultations on reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. See here for areas we can look at during a thorough consultation and medical history taken: Frown, forehead, crows feet, bunny lines, gummy smile, peri-oral lines, dimpling chin, downturned mouth, vertical neck bands and more. Book a consult with our injector for further information.

Length of treatment: 15-30mins

Prickle level: 🌵/🌵🌵🌵🌵 

Downtime: none

Due to TGA guidelines we are unable to advertise any pricing. Please contact us to book a consultation.

  • Please ensure you have no vaccinations within 2 weeks prior to treatment.

    No treatment can be performed if currently pregnant or breast feeding.

    Avoid blood thinners such as fish oil, aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol and vitamin E if prone to bruising.

  • Avoid touching, rubbing or applying pressure to treatment area for 24hrs.

    Avoid vigorous exercise, hot saunas or heated yoga for 24hrs.

    Avoid any blood thinners such as fish oil, aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol or Vitamin E for 24hrs if prone to bruising.

    Avoid facial treatments such as IPL, laser, radio frequency, skin needling, chemical peels, facial massage etc for 2 weeks

    Avoid any vaccines for 2 weeks.

    Allow up to 2 weeks for results to show and please book a review/touch up appointment if there any issues.

A thorough medical consult is provided before treatment


Volume Enhancing