Volume enhancing

The answer to restoring a plump, youthful face! Due to TGA advertising guidelines we are very restricted on what we can say here without being face-to-face. See here for areas we can look at during a thorough consultation and medical history taken: Cheeks, tear troughs, lips, peri-oral region, chin, jawline, back of hands and more. Book a consult with our injector for further information.

Length of treatment 30-45mins

Prickle level:🌵🌵/🌵🌵🌵 

Downtime: 0-10 days of bruising and swelling

Due to TGA guidelines we are unable to advertise any pricing. Please contact us to book a consultation.

Complimentary consults are offered for all treatments


Wrinkle Reduction


SQT Bio Microneedling